So far, there is no ethics of copying that could present a just balance of interests for those affected by copying practices. The overarching aim of this research group, a collaboration between legal scholars, philosophers and scholars from art history, art sciences, book studies, comparative literature, German literature, media studies, popular music and sociology, is to develop proposals concerning such a balance which might influence future legislation and facilitate the formation of inter-subjective moral standards for distinguishing between legitimate and illegitimate forms of copying. In order to develop the foundations of an ethics of copying, the group will work on questions like: What kinds of copies should be allowed to be produced by whom and for which purposes? Which forms of copying activities should be restricted from a moral point of view? And how can different interests with regard to property rights and copying permissions be weighed against each other?



Reinold Schmücker, Eberhard Ortland (eds), Recht und Ethik des Kopierens / Law and Ethics of Copying. In Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik / Annual Review of Law and Ethics 26 (2018): 1-264.


Pavel Zahrádka, Geo-blocking: Protection of Author’s Rights, of Cultural Diversity, or of an Outdated Business Model? Annual Review of Law and Ethics 26 (2018): 191-208.


Pavel Zahrádka, Ontologie díla v autorském zákoně České republikyFilosofický časopis 5/65 (2017): 739-761.


Darren H. Hick, Reinold Schmücker (eds), The Ethics and Aesthetics of Copying. London: Bloomsbury, 2016.


Jakub Macek, Pavel Zahrádka, Online Piracy and the Transformation of the Audiences Practices: The Case of the Czech Republic. In Darren H. Hick, Reinold Schmücker (eds), The Ethics and Aesthetics of Copying. London: Bloomsbury, 2016, 335-358.



Reinold Schmücker

hlavní řešitel

Thomas Dreier

hlavní řešitel

Pavel Zahrádka

hlavní řešitel

Poskytovatel dotace

Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) Bielefeld

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